In Femme de Porto Pim, shadows are born from the actor’s hands, multiplying at sight and invading the stage. Clay, sand, wood and water give the story’s protagonists carnal yet impalpable forms.
Porto Pim’s wife was a lunar creature, sensual and ambiguous, who had stolen the soul of a whaler and turned him into a musician. But in the face of betrayal and defeat, the whaler’s murderous nature awoke and brought about her death. The story of the last shipwreck of a whaler and of a whale who mocked the man who thought he could possess her.
The writer himself, embodied by the manipulative actor, accompanies us throughout this story of love and death, dreams and reality, into the mysteries of the human soul. He is the singer of this poetry of the soul; he is also the one who, through his own testimony, made up of words and gestures, evokes shadows, real and imaginary, metaphors for shipwrecks and castaways, for characters with missed acts and failed lives.
With this creation, Teatro Gioco Vita continues its research into the figure of a modern dalang, an actor-manipulator of contemporary shadow theater, a direct heir to our theatrical and cultural tradition.