Hic sunt dracones

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Where do all our thoughts go when we close our eyes at night? When everything, unimaginable during our waking hours, comes to life and our bodies become nothing but matter. What happens when we leave the room in the morning, leaving behind all those hidden dreams, fears and desires?

Ancient cartographers claimed that fantastic monsters and dragons lived in these unexplored regions of the world. In Hic Sunt Dracones, human body parts, objects and materials come together to form unimaginable landscapes, beings and stories. However, this is not a journey into faraway regions or fantastical utopias, but a journey into our own minds and the hidden recesses of our souls.



Dates :
Wednesday, July 26 2023 :19:00
Thursday, July 27 2023 :19:00
Prix :  24 $
Durée :  60 minutes
Public :  Adulte (16+)
Compagnie :  Theatre Continuo
Lieu : 
Salle François-Brassard (Cégep de Jonquière)
Pays :  Czech Republic
Types de marionnettes :  Visual theater

Theatre Continuo is an independent international theater company directed by Pavel Stourac. Since 1995, the company has been based in a small village in South Bohemia, in an old farmhouse called The Plum Yard. Continuo follows a long tradition at the frontier of dance, theater, visual theater, puppetry and poetry, with a strong component of life music.

Text, direction, music and artistic direction  :  Pavel Stourac
Visual design and decor  :  Helena Stouracova, Pavel Stourac
Interpretation  :  Sara Bocchini, Lida Jesitova, Katerina Sobanova, Diana Khawaja
Music  :  Jakub Stourac
Production  :  Nikola Krizkova
Technician  :  Vojta Dvorak
Photo  :  Theatre Continuo
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