Il n’y a rien dans ma vie qui montre que je suis moche intérieurement

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A woman in a fur coat. Her body on the ground. Her only luggage is a satchel, a handkerchief and a lipstick stick. She has only one shoe. A voice-over calls out to her, questions her, provokes her. It’s the beginning of a series of shifts, the disparate pieces of a puzzle that we try to piece together from clues that we don’t know if they’re imaginary or not, fragments of destinies and deaths. Both playful and dramatic. The show questions a woman’s identity. She is lost. One and multiple, she performs a theatrical dissection of her existence before our very eyes.

Agnès Limbos has always been fascinated by the power of the object as an actor in its own right, and by the actor’s ability to manipulate it. The kitchen table, in one corner of the stage, becomes a reduction of the theater stage, where manipulated objects recreate scenes from everyday life. Some objects are used to tell stories, while others evoke memories or revive the past…

Dates :
Friday, July 28 2023 :19:00
Saturday, July 29 2023 :19:00
Prix :  24 $
Durée :  80 minutes
Public :  Adult (14+)
Compagnie :  Gare Centrale
Lieu : 
Petit théâtre de l’UQAC
Pays :  Belgium
Types de marionnettes :  Object theater

Founded in 1984 by Agnès Limbos – 15 short and full-length creations – makes object theater as others take the train – tours its shows here and many elsewhere – to date over 3500 performances – organizes master classes – object theater festivals – accompanies young creators in their artistic projects – stages shows for the general public… And hopes to continue dissecting life on its poetic operating table for a long time to come.

Ideation and staging  :  Agnès Limbos
Written by  :  Agnès Limbos, Pierre Sartenaer
Assisted by  :  Simon Thomas, Claire Farah, Françoise Colpé, Joel Bosmans, Nicolas Thill, Pieter Boucher, Javier Packer, Astrid Howard, Caroline Cereghetti, Nicole Eeckhout,Christophe Sermet, Yannick Renier
Interpretation  :  Agnès Limbos, Pierre Sartenaer
Lighting  :  Nicolas Thill
Soundscape  :  Guillaume Istace
Coaching the extras  :  Samy Caffonnette
Administration and production  :  Sylviane Evrard
Photo  :  Nicolas Meyer
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