La Green box

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Based on the work by Victor Hugo.

The story of an acrobat’s heritage for a wolf “more human than men”, condemned to tell again and again the story of a magnificent monster and predatory men ready to devour it. The Green Box? A small theater set up for fairs. An attraction for admirers of cruel fantasies. With an old bag as his only luggage, a wolf gives his point of view on the obscenity of man’s laughter, using his personal collection of bones to serve the baroque, offbeat world of the Unicorn. This animal metaphor is an acid, powerful demonstration of the destructive laughter of those in power in the face of the monstrosity of misery. The Green Box: a fierce, intimate drama!

Dates :
Thursday, July 27 2023 :19:00
Friday, July 28 2023 :21:00
Saturday, July 29 2023 :21:00
Prix :  24 $
Durée :  45 minutes
Public :  Adult (10+.)
Compagnie :  Théâtre la Licorne
Lieu : 
Studio de l’UQAC
Pays :  France
Types de marionnettes :  Object theater

A professional company founded and directed by Claire Dancoisne, Théâtre la Licorne has over 30 years’ experience in puppetry and object theater.
From the outset, La Licorne has embraced the pleasure of tinkering with things, and a taste for the improbable and the sensitive. Actors, visual artists and musicians work together to take the imagination as far as possible. The beauty of images and the grandeur of masks are the way to express this theatrical language made of flesh, paper and scrap metal.

Objects, machines, masks and puppets are indispensable to Claire Dancoisne’s theatrical writing because they are capable of transporting both actors and spectators, transforming our vision of the world.
The handcrafted machines we tinker with in our workshops contribute to the magic of our shows, allowing us to play with dimensions and perspectives, touching us with their fragility and making us laugh with their derisory aspect.
Since its creation in 1986, the company has staged shows in theatres, on the street, for young audiences, in apartments, in unusual locations and for major events… Nearly forty original creations have toured France and the rest of the world to ever-growing audiences.
In 2013, the company moved to Dunkirk. Its new space, L’outil européen de création pour la marionnette contemporaine et le théâtre d’objets, opened its doors in November 2015 to invent a place for creation, training, artist residencies, exhibitions and welcoming audiences.

Written and directed by  :  Claire Dancoisne
Interpretation  :  Léo Smith
Mask design  :  Françis Debeyre
Costume  :  Claire Browet
Music  :  Bruno Soulier
Lighting  :  Vincent Maire
Constructions  :  Chicken, Olivier Sion
Régie  :  Hélène Becquet
Photo  :  Damien Ghesquière
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