Le chant de l’Arbre

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Three woodland characters, creators of oxygen and direct descendants of the trees, bring a wave of green to the road, a powerful radiance of air and leaves. Between dance, song and short stories, our characters communicate the power of life in motion and the need to take care of the woods and forests. The sounds of nature gravitate around them, and we never know where they’re coming from: from that branch up there, or that one over there. Passers-by stroll under the canopy, where the trees whisper along with the birds, the gentle tales of full-moon nights. Day or night, the characters are magnified with shadows that further transcend the vital force of the trees.

*This animation will be presented as part of PikNik Marionnettik, held at Place du citoyen on July 26 starting at 11:30 a.m., and at Agora on July 27 starting at 11:30 a.m.

Dates :
Friday, July 28 2023 :14:30
Friday, July 28 2023 :17:45
Friday, July 28 2023 :20:30
Saturday, July 29 2023 :14:30
Saturday, July 29 2023 :20:30
Prix :  Free
Durée :  30 minutes
Public :  For everyone
Compagnie :  Toxique Trottoir
Lieu : 
Parc de la Rivière-aux-Sables
Pays :  Canada (Québec)
Types de marionnettes :  Mask Shadow theater Inhabited puppet

Toxique Trottoir’s mandate is to create artistic projects in public spaces that contribute to the development of a more cohesive society. A women’s company founded in 2004 by Marie-Hélène Côté, Dominique Marier and Muriel de Zangroniz, Toxique Trottoir engages artists, public-citizens and public spaces in a process of unusual encounters and dialogues. An encounter between theater, clowning and poetry that transforms our relationship to everyday life, to the city and to performance. Through an original relationship with the public, based on interactivity and the interpellation of spect-actors, Toxique Trottoir creates for all, for a social, intercultural and intergenerational mix.

As part of Montreal’s 375th anniversary celebrations in 2017, the company co-produced Aquaphonie, an aquatic ode for clown trio, with the À nous la rue! event. The show has enjoyed a successful run since 2019, touring over 40 dates during the summer season.

In May 2020, Toxique Trottoir unveils its new show Angus! Tragi-comédie Rosemontoise, presented in partnership with Patrimoines montréalais: une mise en valeur dans les quartiers de la Ville de Montréal. This in situ theatrical journey shares the incredible story of the former Angus factories, a unique space in Montreal’s architectural heritage.

Text and direction  :  Muriel de Zangroniz
Performers  :  Ilya Kougliarov, Dominique Marier et Muriel de Zangroniz
Scenography  :  Claude Rodrigue, Jean Cummings et Barbara Ménard
Set in motion  :  Diane Loiselle et Denys Lefevre (Tenon Mortaise)
Music  :  Étienne Legast (Audiotopie)
Photo  :  Agnieszka Stalkoper
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