T’as Bonne Mine

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Inspired by a work by Salvador Dali, this deconstructed puppet-face show T’as Bonne Mine represents a surreal and unusual vision made up of several characters. Two eyes (carried by stilt-walkers), a nose and a mouth (carried by puppeteers on the ground) wander around and momentarily unite to form a face.

Dates :
Friday, July 28 2023 :13:00
Friday, July 28 2023 :17:15
Friday, July 28 2023 :20:00
Saturday, July 29 2023 :13:00
Saturday, July 29 2023 :18:00
Saturday, July 29 2023 :20:00
Prix :  Free
Durée :  30 minutes
Public :  For everyone
Compagnie :  Extravaganz’arts
Lieu : 
Parc de la Rivière-aux-Sables
Pays :  Canada (Québec)
Types de marionnettes :  Visual theater Inhabited puppet

From the outset, Extravaganz’arts has worked with marginalized communities to democratize art. Its work has already been noticed on several occasions. The Jacques & Zèbrelle project won 3 awards at the OUF! Festival OFF Casteliers in March 2021. It has benefited from several creative residencies, notably at La Fabrique de théâtre insolite in Trois-Rivières, at the École supérieure de théâtre, and at La TOHU. Jacques & Zèbrelle had its world premiere at the Festival international des arts de la marionnette in Saguenay in 2021, then at the SpringWorks PuppetWorks in Stratford, Ontario, the Festival des arts de rue de Québec and the Loufoque de Granby in 2022. The ambulatory version has been presented some thirty times in Quebec and Ontario. Extravaganz’arts’ new project, still in prototype, has just been awarded a prize at the Festival des arts de ruelle, presented by REPAIRE, Regroupement de pairs des arts indépendants de recherche et d’expérimentation.

Design   :  Fannie Lézarts
Stilts  :  Fannie Lézarts et Shôvàne Brisindi
Handling  :  Geneviève Jacob et Pascal Duguay Gosselin
Photo  :  Sébastien Chion
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