Un Gamin au jardin

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A disheveled kid is looking for his parents. Aubin, who takes him in his garden, tries to find the kid’s parents by touring the neighborhood, the town, the country and the planet. It turns out that the kid is a child from the universe who has come to meet his future father, a chemist, and his future home. It’s a wonderful encounter of friendship and love that shows how one little thought can change the world. An engaging and touching poetic fable.

Dates :
Tuesday, July 25 2023 :10:30
Wednesday, July 26 2023 :10:00
Prix :  14 $
Durée :  45 minutes
Public :  For ages 8+.
Compagnie :  La Tortue Noire
Lieu : 
Petit théâtre de l’UQAC
Pays :  Canada (Québec)
Types de marionnettes :  Visual theater Mask Shadow theater Acting Object theater

Since 2005, La Tortue Noire has accumulated experience in creation and research in contemporary puppetry. The company’s artists place the object at the heart of their creative process. Equally concerned with the work of the performer, they seek to approach the actor/manipulator relationship in new ways. Their shows combine acting, puppetry, theater of forms and object theater. La Tortue Noire has created 13 original shows, which have been presented in several countries.

Written and directed by  :  Daniel Danis
Staging assistant  :  Christian Ouellet
Interpretation  :  Dany Lefrançois, Sara Moisan, Patrick Simard
Design of scenic objects  :  Stéphane Bernier
Scenographic design  :  Stéphane Gladyszewski
Costumes and masks  :  Vicky Tremblay
Soundscape  :  Constantin Monfilliette, Centre d’Expérimentation Musicale
Digital luthier  :  Dominic Thibault Lumières, Alexandre Nadeau
Scenographic production assistant  :  Martin Gagnon
Production direction and movement assistant  :  Marilyne Renaud
Production assistant  :  Valérie Essiambre, Christine Rivest-Hénault
Handpan construction  :  Panacea Sonora
Photo  :  Patrick Simard
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